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Start healing your pain. Reveal the wounds and subconscious beliefs that motivate your actions and keep you in unhealthy patterns. Discover the gifts of your soul and Create a fulfilling and joyful life!


The idea is that the program will have us working together in a more structured and supported way which will provide continuity in your journey. There is a schedule on what you should cover every week. Yet, it is entirely a self-paced program so you can learn and grow at your own pace.


The 12 week online program helps guide you in your evolutionary journey to align with your soul's calling. And, to develop the skills to do more than just survive. I want you to thrive!

The program includes:​

  • Online Syllabus including the progression of the e-course and what you will do each week.

  • Session to create your soul profile, with recording, where I provide you with an intuitive reading of the gifts and essence of your soul. This also includes energetic blocks and karmic information from your Akashic Records.

  • Accessing the Subconscious e-book including context, exercises, tools and additional references to teach you and ease you into the process of autonomously working with your subconscious mind and help you evolve through balanced progression.

  • Guided meditations encapsulating the vibrational frequencies to help ease and anchor the healing energies and shifts.

  • Four 60-minute private healing/coaching sessions that are customized to your specific needs. This may include inner child work, Shadow Work, energy healing and/or skill development. We will meet every other week.

  • Documents, guides and additional resources including homework, exercises tools and tips.

  • Four 15-min VIP laser sessions to provide you with quick support and guidance as needed.

  • Access to our private and moderated Facebook community.

  • 20% off on any one crystal jewelry item on my online store.

  •  Bonus - I am also including a digital download with subliminal affirmations. They are intended to help change some of your core beliefs and to facilitate the Shadow Work and help with integration. An information sheet will also be included.


At the end of this program you will:

- Understand how your subconscious mind works and how it impacts your behavior

- Have a better understanding of why you feel the way you do

- Understand how your current pain relates to childhood trauma

- Know how to recognize unhealthy patterns of behavior 

- Know how the patterns were created and how to break them

- What emotions are and the role they play in your day to day life

- Learn about the purpose of triggers and how to leverage them

- Understand how to use your emotions to tap into your needs and desires 

- Know how to communicate more effectively

- Understand the basics of conflict resolution

- Learn to connect to yourself more, trust your intuition and feel more confident

- Better define your boundaries

- Learn how to best manifest/create the life you want for yourself

- Learn new tools and develop skills to navigate life more easily

- Live life in an easier more connected and joyful way.



For more details about modalities visit:

Healing & Fulfillment 12 Week Advanced Program

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