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Linda Feliciano
2 min read
¿Por Qué Te Auto Saboteas? La razon del Auto-Sabotaje
La mayoría de las veces, el autosabotaje se considera un miedo al fracaso, un miedo al éxito o una baja autoestima.

Linda Feliciano
2 min read
Why Do You Self-Sabotage?
What I've found is that often times this root cause is also the cause of the other symptoms like fear of failure and low self-esteem.

Linda Feliciano
5 min read
How to Forgive an Abusive Parent
Childhood abuse or neglect, in any form, is a deep wound that can permeate every area of our adult lives. Healing from it is not an easy...

Linda Feliciano
2 min read
Are You Living the Life You Imagined? Or Are You Feeling Unfulfilled?
What are you waiting for? Do you ever look at your life and think... Is this it? I did all the "right things", so why do I feel like...

Linda Feliciano
3 min read
How to Deal with Emotional Triggers
Was Thanos Triggered? I recently saw a post on Facebook that got me very angry. I thought to myself, What the hell is wrong with people?!...

Linda Feliciano
2 min read
B**tch Please! The Role of a Coping Strategy
I've been called a bitch many times in my life. Sometimes to my face... sometimes behind my back. For a while, I wore it like a badge...

Linda Feliciano
2 min read
Sensitivity Is the New Strong - Emotional & Spiritual Healing
I am a very sensitive person. Most people that have met me would never guess that. But, those who know me well, know better. Growing...

Linda Feliciano
2 min read
The Hidden Agenda of Perfectionism and its Root Cause
I recently read a post with a quote that, just a few years ago, would have triggered the bejesus out of me. It read: “Anything worth...

Linda Feliciano
2 min read
What Gandalf Can Teach Us About the Purpose of Shadow Work
Going Back to the Shadow. I love LotR! And this scene strikes me as a metaphor for my work. Gandalf telling Balrog to go back to the...

Linda Feliciano
3 min read
Becoming a Self-Activist - The Problem with Social Media Activism
As I look into the landscape of activists and social justice warriors now, I’ve come to believe that the cause for these issues is our lack

Linda Feliciano
2 min read
Not Like My Mother - Healing Childhood Wounds
If you chose a path solely because it is the opposite of what you experienced, the past is still controlling your choices.

Linda Feliciano
3 min read
F*** Compromise - The Key to Getting What You Want
You often hear how compromise and communication are the key to good relationships. What would you think if I told you I disagree? Well, I...

Linda Feliciano
2 min read
¿Por qué la comunidad espiritual está tan obsesionada con la ascension?
Durante los últimos años, pero especialmente desde principios de 2021, he notado un aumento en las discusiones sobre el tema de la...

Linda Feliciano
2 min read
Why is the Spiritual Community So Obsessed with Ascension?
Over the last couple of years, but especially since the beginning of 2021, I have noticed an increase in discussions around the topic of...

Linda Feliciano
2 min read
Tres conceptos erróneos comunes sobre el trabajo de sombra
Entre los círculos de sanación y desarrollo personal, el trabajo de sombra es un tema controvertido. Algunos lo encuentran siniestro;...

Linda Feliciano
2 min read
Tres cosas que debes saber sobre los Registros Akashicos
Si ha estado husmeando en el mundo del desarrollo espiritual, probablemente haya oído hablar de los Registros Akáshicos. La mayoría de...

Linda Feliciano
2 min read
Lo que nadie te dice sobre la noche oscura del alma
La Noche Oscura del Alma, o NOdA, es un período de intenso dolor e incomodidad en tu vida. Es una transición, un cambio. Algunas personas...

Linda Feliciano
3 min read
What No One Tells You About the Dark Night of the Soul and Its Stages
Dark Night of the Soul Information

Linda Feliciano
2 min read
Three Things To Know About Akashic Records Readings
If you have been sniffing around in the spiritual development world you have probably heard about the Akashic Records before. Most people...

Linda Feliciano
2 min read
Three Common Misconceptions About Shadow Work - Is Shadow Work Dangerous?
Among healing and personal development circles, Shadow Work is a controversial topic. Some find it ominous; shrouded in mystery and lore....
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